- CH49
- Dossier
- 1960-1980
Fait partie de Mission archéologique française de Cap Andreas-Kastros et de Khirokitia (Chypre)
- Cadastral Sheets Cape Andreas, Army Map Service, U.S. Army, Washington D.C., échelle 1:50 000, 1970.
- Cadastral Sheets Rizokarpaso, Army Map Service, U.S. Army, Washington D.C., échelle 1:50 000, 1970.
- Geological map of Cyprus, Geological Survey Department, Cyprus, échelle 1:250 000, 1963.
- Geological map of Cyprus, Geological Survey Department, Cyprus, échelle 1:250 000, 1979.
- Geological map of the Dhali Area, Geological Survey Department, Cyprus, échelle 1:31 680, 1960.
- Geological map of the Pharmaka-Kalavasos Area, Geological Survey Department, Cyprus, échelle 1:31 680, 1966.
7-8. Pano Lefkara-Larnaca Area, Geological Survey Department, Cyprus, échelle 1:31 680, 1960. - Pano Lefkara, D Survey Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom, échelle 1:50 000, 1973.
- Palekhori, D Survey Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom, échelle 1:50 000, 1973.
- General soil map of Cyprus, Department of agriculture, Ministry of agriculture and natural ressources, Nicosie, Chypre, échelle 1:200 000, 1970.
- Soil Series 1, Cyprus, Department of agriculture, Ministry of agriculture and natural ressources, Nicosie, Chypre, échelle 1:25 000, 1980.
- Soil Series 1, Cyprus, Department of agriculture, Ministry of agriculture and natural ressources, Nicosie, Chypre, échelle 1:25 000, 1980.